Sunday, December 7, 2008

So I just got back some pictures from our Thanksgiving Dinner with the family. yay for pictures!

Me and the Boyfriend...awwww...

Me and the Boyfriend again!

Me and my mom...

New Blog Up!

Wow, haven't checked this since my birthday...sorry guys...I didn't know I have two readers...WOOT! haha...well good news is that I have another blog...hopefully one that I will actually update since it pertains to my work and it connected to my future go look at it from my profile thingy. It's called Vex Ennui. Don't ask why I felt the need to make a whole new blog for it. I guess I just wanted one that I could dump drama down if I wanted to and one that I would keep drama free and totally project related...This is the drama one....not that I have a lot of drama anymore...which is good. I hate drama...

On a side note: my roommate's cat Sleven looks entirely too cute curled up next to my computer...I shall post a picture...

She decided she wanted to be laying in my arms instead...

Oh, and go here to look at my portfolio It's almost done and I'm really happy with it...soon I'll get the domain name and the hosting space for it and I will be happy!

On another random Note: I'm thinking about studying in Denmark in the Fall of 2009. Totally excited, now I just need to sort out all the nitty gritty crap that goes with money...not to mention where we're going to live in the time between when our lease is up here and when I would go abroad and Bryce would go to Afghanistan...(not looking forward to that...)Plus I have no idea what we're going to do with Buddy for those months that I'm gone...too much to think I'm going to take a break and clean my studio for a bit...ha! that's my way of avoiding things I don't want to deal with...I clean.

Hope you enjoyed the update!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween and a Happy Birthday!

I'm horrible at updating this thing...*sigh*

So Friday was Halloween, my favorite holiday. I dressed up as a vampire minus the fangs since the ones I got at the Halloween store at the mall were crappy and didn't do the job. I had fake blood on me at least. I got to wear my awesome corset and looked amazing in my opinion. After my Illustration class I went home, took a break from the corset and got ready for having a small party at my place. It was a nice gathering of people I know from High School and Ndale and MCAD. I was a little nervous about people not talking to one another since no one knew each other. But as it turned out, people mingled and talked with everyone so it worked out well. People left around midnight so my boyfriend and our roommate could get some sleep before doing Guard stuff the next morning...silly army making them go in the day after Halloween...

Saturday I got my hair cut, massive change! it's short, I have bangs and there's bits of redish orange throughout. I was a little apprehensive about the bangs and while I still find them annoying, I like how they look on me. and the red/orange compliments my natural color well. so overall, quite happy.

And today, Nov 2, is my birthday. I'm 22 now. yay for having lived another year! I never feel different after birthdays so it's really not a bit deal, but I'm starting to really feel the time passing. I feel like I'm not really going anywhere with my life, particularly because I don't know where I want to go...once I know where I'm going I'm sure I'll get there...but til then I don't know where to start. On the up side, my aunt gave me the title to the car I've been driving for the past few years. Pretty huge if you ask me. my mom got me a gas card and some kind of cat wall hanging thing she got at her church's cute but quite I don't think it will find it's way on my wall anywhere...(I'm a horrible daughter...*shrug*

Still behind as far as homework goes... not sure how or when I'm going to catch up but I'll do it...worked on my portfolio site today and overall that's going well. my coding is a bit rusty after not practicing in a while. but it's coming back to me and the site is taking shape. always a good thing.

Tomorrow will likely prove to be the best day I've had in many many months...Bryce is taking me to a nice massage place at one of the nearby malls to have a hot stone massage and then following that he's taking me to Oceanaire restaurant. oh my goodness that will be soooo very lovely. I haven't had that kind of food since we went to Alaska many years ago. I shall be in heaven!

well, I'm going to post this for now. just wanting all of my non-existent viewers to know that I'm alive and well.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

duct in the water

So last night I discovered how epic a journey it is to take water from a salty gross non-drinkable form and try (key word try) to make it drinkable and remove the salt...

After three different set ups, (only ended up taking pictures of the first and the second...sorry) I managed to actually collect water in the collecting water pot...not much, technically not enough...but it worked and that's what counted. below you will find the amusing pictures!

Gotta say, the water tasted like duct tape...Probably ingested some not so great toxins in that little sip...ick. but we did it. we collected water and that's what counts, right? Essentially the system is a very low tech, very inefficient water still. On the right you have the brine water boiling on the stove and on the left you have a pot to collect the water vapor. to make the water vapor condense we surrounded the collecting pot with cold water. between the two pots there is a makeshift enclosed path to guide the water vapor to the collecting pot while it cools down and returns to the state of being like water. This system was not perfect (obviously...) lots of steam escaped and there was not a lot of return on the water. I'd say I filled the cup about a third or half the way. I did take a sip...would not recommend it...distilled duct tape in a cup...not all.

But this was fun, very challenging!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New School Year

So I'll admit I've been rather horrible about keeping this thing. I guess the blogging thing feels childish to me since I did it soooo much in High School with LJ and Myspace. I should look at this differently since potentially it's a tool for my work and portfolio. Especially since I plan on using this for my class site. Yep, that's right, I'm taking a class to help me establish my web presence in a classy artistic fashion. I will want this blog to be a detailed journal to help myself and others keep track of what I'm doing. I certainly don't want people to think I'm being lazy! ha! like that will ever happen...especially with my schedule this year. *sigh* anyway, just wanted to push myself to update this again, hopefully I get into the habit.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cupcake of Doom!

I made myself practice with the tablet this morning before I could eat my was painful because the cupcakes are so good. I think I'm getting better with the tablet. Perhaps I shall take a page from Daisy and Mockzilla's book by posting something everyday done on the tablet since I don't have a scanner and can't just draw by hand and post here...that works. okay enjoy the cupcake, I sure did.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

new toy

So I got this new toy, a bamboo fun. and oh my am I having fun with it. I'm posting my first real attempt at using it, tis a picture of my aunt's dog Jett. Spitfire he is. anyway, still got a ways to go with the tablet but so far so good. also have to get used to Photoshop since i haven't used it much. But i'm really happy I finally took the plunge and got this thing. It's way better than I was expecting it to be. Now I'm off to the grandma's house to help her with the internet guy. whee!